Questions & Answers

Is it possible to control what double click does in studio one ?

+3 votes
asked Jun 28, 2023 in Studio One 6 by rickybarr (530 points)
I am currently without a mouse and doing editing with just my track pad on a Mac pro and the amount of times I accidently open the editor or mixer by double clicking is beyond a joke. If I want to open the mixer I have a shortcut for it same as the editor. In fairness there a quite a few way's to open those windows  Why do we need the double click option as well ? Same goes for double click playback.. That's a nuisance as well when editing but I'm most frustrated with the former. Is there a way to change the behavior of double click in Studio one ? I have adjusted the sensitivity of my track pad and that helps slightly but I'd really like to disable double click for opening editor and the mixer view if at all possible. Cheers..