Questions & Answers

Disable/Enable Micro Edit Parameters

+16 votes
asked Dec 13, 2023 in Mixing by henrikhjortnaes (350 points)

One (accidental) left-click on a plug-in in the Mix Console will expand all the Micro Edit Parameters for the plug-in. If you never use Micro Parameters, this is pretty annoying. It cannot be turned off.

  • Please add an option to toggle this behaviour on or off.

3 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 22 by webhamster (2,110 points)
Indeed very annoying.
0 votes
answered Apr 13 by davidduarte (290 points)
Agreed. It is super annoying. There absolutely should be an option to disable this feature. I can't stand it.
+1 vote
answered Apr 15 by trogfish (1,890 points)
Whole hearted upvote.  Perhaps a toggle to reverse the 'single click vs dbl. click' behavior could make this function more useable for some users.

As it it, I just can't find a positive use for this feature.  There is no screen resolution I work in that makes the 'microview' useable for me.  So instead, this is a liability and feels clunky.

  In addition to a toggle option for disabling 'microview' perhaps the functionality itself should be revised and updated to work better with multiple screen resolutions.  The concept may be great, but the usefulness just isn't there.