Questions & Answers

Disable Clipping Error Dialog after Bounce

–3 votes
asked Jun 14 in Mixing by lucasmessore (460 points)
Option to disable the error dialog for clipping after bounce. For those that make aggressive music :)

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 16 by martinherzog (770 points)
Well, to my understanding, it does not matter whether you produce "aggressive" music or smooth Jazz. In a digital environment, if the signal reaches 0db or above, you have digital clipping. You should never have that, because it's nothing like the harmonic distortion you get from slightly overdriven analog gear. Digital clipping is simply... wrong, it produces erroneous data. Try saturator or overdrive plugins or the like if you want a distorted sound, but always make sure the signal never reaches 0db in the digital realm.

Whether or not you can disable said clipping notice, I don't know, but I really don't see the point in having that option.
Kind regards.