Questions & Answers

How do you transfer audio tracks from soundcloud to studio one artist?

0 votes
asked May 18, 2016 in Computer Based Recording & Production by angelrivera9 (150 points)
With Ableton Live I was able to drag the file onto the track, however you cannot do the same with this program (Or So I think).  Can anyone help me.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 18, 2016 by PreSonuSales2 (68,140 points)
Best answer
There isn't a way to directly import a file from Soundcloud into Studio One. You would first need to download the file from Soundcloud and then you would be able to import it into Studio One. Keep in mind that Studio One 3 Artist does not natively support MP3 files, so you'll need the MP3 Converter add-on if your files are in an MP3 format.