Questions & Answers

Make it so "Solo Clear" also clears "Key Listen"

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asked Feb 21, 2024 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by billf (480 points)
edited Feb 21, 2024 by billf
I had an odd issue where my 32S solo seemed to be stuck on channel 14 that took several days to resolve. I was in Solo in Place mode and Control Room mode The other channel solo buttons lit properly but the source is always only Ch 14. Solo Clear did not fix it. Digging into the scene in use when I had the problem the issue returned when I recalled that scene Solo was again stuck on ch 14. Digging into that scene, ch 13 was bass.  I had been experimenting with compressor Keying using ch 14 kick as the key source . Key listen was engaged on Ch 13 and was still on when I finished working for the night and saved that scene. When I disengaged Key Listen on ch 13 today the problem went a way and that seemed to be what was causing the problem. After scouring the Manual I found Key Listen 's effect on Solo is touched upon in the Gating portion of the manual but is not discussed in the Compressor portion of the Manual.

 I would suggest that the Key Listen effect on Solo be addressed in the Compressor section of the Manual and that in a subsequent firmware update the Key Listen button be made to blink, (perhaps red) when it is engaged. Further and perhaps more importantly if Key Listen impacts only Solo functionality then having it be globally disengaged when Solo Clear is hit would save much grief if it is inadvertently left on and its status is buried in a particular channels Gate or Compressor settings. I know what to look for now but I am sure there are many other user who don't.