Questions & Answers

Auto SOLO Aux mixes

+13 votes
asked Nov 26, 2019 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by mikemanthei (610 points)
It's really nice that selecting an Aux using the Mix Select buttons causes that Aux's mix to spill out across the faders and the master fader is now the Aux Master.  Very Nice.   But let's take it a step further and auto-switch the monitor section to that Aux's master bus so we can hear what we're changing.   Nobody likes mixing blind.  :)

Currently, when I select an Aux mix, I have to push the "Edit" button, and then select the Aux (the same one I just selected using the Mix Select button) in order to hear it.

When I select a different mix (as is often the case when working on multiple headphone / monitor mixes at the same time), instead of the Edit window staying there so I can select a different Aux to listen to, it changes.. so I have to select "Edit" again.      It's just a wee bit kludgy.    If there could be an option to Auto-select the Monitor section at the same time we're selecting the Mix from the Flex Mix would be very slick.

I can see where this might not be the default for everything... as obviously, if I selected an FX mix, I'd still want to hear the master bus to listen to the changes I'm making in the mix, and not just the effect channel.  Perhaps I might not like to be auto-soloing a subgroup all the time...  But certainly an obvious Cue mix (pre-fader Aux) could be auto-selected this way.

So, just to be clear, I don't want it to show up in the main Left Right output of the console. Only the monitor section. Which would include studio monitors (for studio use), and headphones(for live use).  in these two scenarios, I can't imagine not wanting to hear what we are mixing, and if we have soloed an AUX mix for either wedge monitors or headphones, we certainly want to hear it.

2 Answers

+4 votes
answered Nov 27, 2019 by Trucky (7,420 points)
selected Nov 28, 2019 by jonnydoyle
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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asked Jan 21, 2020 in StudioLive Series III by laneturner1 (180 points) Fix solo function for submixes.
+1 vote
answered Sep 6, 2022 by t.wallraff (290 points)
Hi there!

New here & proud user of the 32S.

+1 !!

that auto solo is configurable on most modern mixing desks, essential for FAST monitor mixing.

pressing the desired aux mix spills its sends on the faders,

AND activates the corresponding aux master SOLO.