Questions & Answers

Question about function in the Score Editor

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asked Feb 26, 2024 in Studio One 6 by fabian.becker2017 (540 points)

I recently purchased Studio One and one of the main reasons was the score editor. Now I would like to make music with notation and have to realize that one of the most important functions is not there, which is normal and absolutely basic. MIDI CC01 modulation cannot be controlled by the dynamics (pppp, ppp, pp, mp, mf, f, ff, fff, ffff). Pretty much every type of instrument plays long articulation that needs to be controlled via CC01, but that doesn't happen and now I can't use Studio One for notation. The Score Editor videos also say that the dynamics change the sound of the instrument, but this is not entirely true and only applies to instruments such as piano or guitar whose dynamics are controlled by velocity. So it's not a feature, but something missing where it was said that it was possible. Basically, the dynamics for long articulations (i.e. pretty much all of my instruments) are only there for decoration, as they only affect velocity and have no influence on the dynamics, which defeats the purpose of the symbols.
Now I have S1 6 Professional, a missing feature with which you can't make sensible notations and I couldn't find any statement about it or ask whether and if so when this function or missing function will come. If this feature comes with an update, it will probably come with S1 version 7 at the earliest, where there is no date yet, apart from the fact that it costs an upgrade price.

Now I wrote the message here to hope for a reply.

Thanks in advance!