Questions & Answers

Assign MIDI controller to musical symbols in the Studio One Score Editor

+4 votes
asked Feb 10, 2024 in Score Editor by fabian.becker2017 (540 points)
edited Feb 10, 2024 by fabian.becker2017


It would be really great if you could add MIDI controller to musical symbols in the Studio One Score Editor. This would make it possible, for example, to assign a separate MIDI CC value such as CC001 Modulation and CC011 Expression to the dynamics instructions pppp, ppp, pp, p, mp, mp, f, ff, fff, ffff, which is important for long articulations. Currently only the velocity changes with the dynamics instructions.
Additionally, it would be possible to make symbols like portamento work as intended. Because in many (especially orchestral) libraries, portamento is triggered by using legato and a very low velocity value. So you could give the possibility to assign an user-defiened (low) velocity value to the musical symbol portamento so that it is triggered in the library itself.

Thank you for the consideration and many thanks in advance!
