Questions & Answers

Can we PLEASE get stem separation

+15 votes
asked May 15, 2024 in Editing by themontae (240 points)
Been dying to be able to perform stem separation in Studio One. I hate going to other DAW's just for one function. Please tell me this is in the works and coming soon

1 Answer

+2 votes
answered May 20, 2024 by jonnyjones (490 points)

These are those kind of features you can use third party VSTs for. No need to integrate it into a DAW, just because it's a trend right now.

You can purchase Spectralayers by Steinberg for 47,99 € and use it in Studio One with ARA. Spectralayers has one of the most advanced STEM separation tools in the industry. You can also drag and drop individually separated tracks into the playlist window. You can even set the process to be GPU-based, which speeds up the process significantly if you have a reasonably fast graphics card. Much better than the stem separation in FL Studio or Logic imo.

What we need is workflow improvements in the area of drum programming and patterns in general. That's something you can't achieve by using third party VSTs.
