Questions & Answers

We need Midi CC messages in the Show Page Midi CC

+3 votes
asked Jun 5 in Show Page by DanielRuiz Sánchez (150 points)
MIDI CC messages are essential for my live performance. This is how, for example, the Helix pedalboard snapshots are controlled. This is a basic function that would take the Show Page to another level. I'm looking forward to switching Ableton Live to this when this feature is implemented. There are many questions saying the same thing, we need that function.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 25 by Julioheredia407 (360 points)
The only way is using two Daws at same time and syncing with Loopmidi.  I use show page to backing tracks and Cakewalk to midi automation control ( to change snapshots) installed in the same laptop