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Any new instrument I add is grayed out and can't be played

–1 vote
asked May 25 in Studio One 6 by jacek99 (190 points)
I create a brand new song, using Studio One presets. It's an empty song.

I drag any virtual instrument onto the song, it appears in the instruments list and shows an audio track associated with it.

But the instrument is grayed out in the Instruments panel.

The Record/Monitor buttons on the audio track are grayed out and can't be activated.

if you open the Instrument editor, it does not respond to any MIDI notes being sent

I have this happening on all projects, and it seems to have started with version 6.

With version 5 all the instruments worked fine for me, I have old projects on 5 with instruments that work fine and respond to MIDI keyboard. But if I add any new instrument to those older projects, they are also grayed out.

Basically I am in a state where I can't use ANY virtual instrument with StudioOne, some weird bug and it's driving me crazy.


3 Answers

0 votes
answered May 25 by tothrec (32,280 points)

Does your audio I/O from v5 look the same as in v6?  

Can you create a new audio track, arm and record onto it?

I just dragged Mai Tai onto my arrangement view and here's what it looks like.

0 votes
answered May 26 by jacek99 (190 points)
edited May 26 by jacek99
Yes, adding new audio tracks works fine, can arm and record.

it's just virtual instruments that get added are always disabled/grayed out and can't be used.
0 votes
answered May 26 by jacek99 (190 points)
So I figured out the root cause is that the track is not getting any MIDI input from the MIDi controller.

But other tracks IN THE SAME SONG with virtual instruments that were added back on Presonus 5 work fine.

When you click on them, the light up and automatically arm and monitor.

But the newly added track stays grayed out when you click on it, does not arm, does not respond to MIDI input.