Questions & Answers

How To Keep Faderport From Controlling Stand-Alone Software Synth

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asked Jul 24, 2024 in FaderPort 8 by timpogo (360 points)
edited Jul 24, 2024 by timpogo
I recently purchased a Faderport 8 to use with Studio One. While I'm a long-time producer and editor in radio/voice over/podcast/etc, I am just beginning the journey to learn sound design and creating basic music beds and pads, etc. Which means I'm new to things like software instruments and such.

I've acquired a couple of software synths, and the one in question is Vital.

When editing a podcast and pressing various buttons on the Faderport, musical notes began playing. The Channel, Zoom, Scroll, Bank, Touch, Write, Play, Loop, etc buttons are playing notes as if the Faderport was a keyboard.

To say I was bewildered would be an understatement, but I figured out that Vital was open (as a stand-alone app), and the buttons were playing notes on it.

With how versatile the FP is, I can understand how this would be a feature that people would want to use.  However, I've got a separate MIDI keyboard controller, and can't imagine ever having a situation where I'd want to play notes/music on the Faderport. But I am striking out in figuring out how to disable this.  I've googled, I've checked this forum, the Presonus Community forum, and have yet to find anything that talks about this.

I can attest that the Faderport is in standard mode, not MIDI mode.

In Universal Control, under the Network MIDI tab, nothing is listed.

When I double click on External Devices, nothing looks out of the ordinary there.

When I go to Preferences--External Devices, and click on Faderport, both the Receive From and Send To are set to Presonus FP8.

Also, there aren't any settings in Vital that can control this.

Obviously, I can simply close Vital, and all is well.

But I'd really like to figure out why it's doing this, and learn more about how the device and the software instruments are routing/talking to each other.  And who knows, as I get further along in sound design I very well might have a software synth application open while I'm also using Studio One and editing something, and wouldn't want the Faderport to control the synth.

Could it be something to do with the IAC Driver that is pointing to the Faderport in the Audio MIDI Setup in Mac?

I'm running the newest version of S1 which came out a few days ago, and a Mac Studio M2 Max.

Just wondering if anyone knows how to toggle off/on Faderport's ability to interact with a stand-alone synthesizer application.
