Questions & Answers

I can't make the outputs "stick" in studio one 6??

0 votes
asked Aug 7 in Studio One 6 by lassenielsen2 (160 points)
edited Aug 7 by lassenielsen2

I recently updated from Studio one 4 to Studio one 6... 

I'm running Backtracks through a ********* UMC1820. But when I'm trying to apply the outputs in my I/O settings it won't "stick"... 

As you can see on one of the picture there comes a little * on the numbers by the outputs when I try to make them stick. But when I hit Apply it all disapears again...???? 



Looking forward to some help... After several hours of youtube videos ‍

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 7 by lassenielsen2 (160 points)
Okay... Im not allowed to upload the two pictures

I hope the description make sense...