Questions & Answers

What is the best set up for Wifi when there isn't a WiFi signal available?

0 votes
asked Jun 4, 2016 in Ai Mixers by kliffdog (340 points)
edited Jun 4, 2016 by kliffdog
We just ordered the RM 16Ai to replace our current Studio live mixer. We have live gigs coming up in a park where I am certain there will be no WiFi signal. I am trying to plan ahead to ensure I have the proper set up on game day. What would be the best set up? Does the RM 16Ai generate its own wifi signal? Or, do I have to have a WiFi hot spot of some kind? Also what about range? We are wondering how far from the stage we will be able to wonder to monitor sound. I suppose this will depend on our set up. Has anyone here used their mixer in this scenario? Do you have suggestions for set up? Thanks.

Note: iPad Air will be our tablet of choice.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 4, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
selected Jun 4, 2016 by ghasenbeck
Best answer
The WiFi that you are actually looking for in this case would come from a router that you would need to provide. This router would be setup as a dedicated closed/secure network for your audio-based ecosystem. You would not be relying on any WiFi and or internet access for your gig, but rather linking your hardware together with this closed network in order for everything to be able to talk to one another as one large system.