Questions & Answers

Store FX Chains has stopped working v3.2.3.38191 (June 8, 2016)

0 votes
asked Jul 14, 2016 in Studio One 3 by alangrus (230 points)
Working on Mac OS 10.11.5

I know I used to be able to Store FX Chains and found this a useful feature as intended.

Now, I find I cannot save any FX Chains or drag-and-drop an Effect header into the Effects Browser / FX Chains section.  I had a custom folder for my own FX Chains. When I did a "refresh" on FX Chains, that custom folder dis-appeared !!
Something is broken with this feature in the most current software.

as of July 14, 2016

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 19, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer
Please delete your Studio One settings and uninstall/reinstall Studio One:

1.  Quit Studio One

2.  From the Finder toolbar, click Go, hold Option, and click Library

3.  Open Application Support/PreSonus Software/Studio One 3

4.  Copy the contents of the folder to a folder on your desktop for use as a backup.

4.  Delete all files and folders except for the user.license file

5.  Go to your Applications folder and Drag studio One to the trash.

6. Log in to and download a fresh copy of Studio One and install.

*If you are missing any Sound Sets after doing this, simply go to Documents>Studio One>Sound Sets and double-click one of the files.  

Please submit a support ticket if this issue remains.