Feature request: Always show the values of the FX settings in the 4 FX engines A / B / C / D on the CS18AI. Currently you only see a bar with a yellow indicator. Ideally, the values should be shown just next of the bars, so on the right side where there is a lot of space.
To make the value visible you only see the value, if you are lucky, after you press on the bar and the ultra thin line around the bar indicates the selection. But sometimes this even does not work and then you have to do annoying workarounds to get the value on the screen.
Changing the Decay (s) values of the reverbs can be a continuous routine at some concerts.
In UC Surface, the values are shown at once when you select one of the FX engines.
Referring to the current CS18AI firmware: CS 1.0.9203 and the current RM32AI firmware SL 1.0.9244 and UC Surface for iPad 1.8.0