Questions & Answers

Really only 2 Stereo Channels playback Digital back into AR16 mixer?

0 votes
asked Aug 23, 2016 in AR Hybrid USB Mixers by alangrus (230 points)

After reading the StudioLiveā„¢ AR-Series Software Library Reference Manual  I was surprised that while Studio One will see 18 channels of Input, Studio One will only offer 2 stereo channels for output as Super Channel and Channel 15/16 (AR16).

Simply put, using Studio One, how do I get ALL the 18 channels I would record into Studio One to playback out to the AR16 mixer?

1 Answer

+3 votes
answered Aug 23, 2016 by PreSonuSales2 (68,140 points)
selected Aug 23, 2016 by alangrus
Best answer
Thanks for your interest in the new AR-Series mixers! The AR mixers weren't designed with digital returns on each channel, so there's no way to playback 18 independent channels through the AR mixers. If you're looking for a mixer that can multi-track 16 channels and has a digital return for each channel, I'd recommend checking out the StudioLive 16.4.2AI.