Questions & Answers

Latency with Ampire

+1 vote
asked Sep 23, 2016 in Studio One 3 by markkingsley (280 points)
Is there any way to use ampire without any latency in real time. I plug my guitar into the interface and I keep getting all this horrible latency when trying to use it in real time. Do I have to play clean and then add it later? My friend is using amplitube on his old computer and is getting ZERO latency. Is this just how Ampire is intended to work if so it is worthless for guitar players that want to play with some amp simulations in real time. I have a  i5 quad core processor running at 3.4 ghz with 12 g of RAM. What is the problem?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 28, 2016 by Michael Martin (89,010 points)
Best answer
This has less to do with the Plugin's, and more to do with the Audio interface and it's driver's performance.

Change your Buffer settings on your Audio Device. Sample size rating of 128 or lower will usually result in near zero latency with a good computer. However, not all audio interfaces will be capable of real time audio due to driver / computer performance.