Questions & Answers

I can't open Studio One

+6 votes
asked Sep 24, 2016 in Studio One 3 by yujaikim (180 points)
I formatted my PC and reinstalled Windows 7. But after reinstalling Studio One 3, every time I try to open the program, it keeps on saying that there is no api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll, and the program won't open. This is frustrating considering before the formatting, the program was working properly.

8 Answers

+1 vote
answered Sep 25, 2016 by locarbonneaux (170 points)
I have the same problem than you on windows 8.1. Unfortunately even after trying to reinstall the missing dll it still doesn't work. Hope there will be any answer soon....
0 votes
answered Sep 26, 2016 by moeesparza (140 points)
im having the same probs bro its frustrating and i was looking foward to using this software that came with my audiobox since its a freebee but it dosent let me run the program after i installed it displays the same error as you are getting
+1 vote
answered Oct 15, 2016 by lucanicolini (180 points)
Hello! I have the same problem and error on windows 7 64bit, after the last update. Studio One Version Please fix, i'm unable to run the program. Thank you!
0 votes
answered Nov 20, 2016 by aggelosampatzis (140 points)
Same problem here, although I installed the missing .dll and reinstalled Studio One 3 more than once, cannot solve the problem. If anyone knows the nswer please let me know. Presonus should have given some answer to this thread though...
0 votes
answered Dec 13, 2016 by grantvalente (150 points)
I having the same error and cannot get the program to work. It is very frustrating
–1 vote
answered Jun 30, 2017 by jordbobo (120 points)
Stay away from this product and save your valuable time and efforts. You simply will not be able to run the software, even your PC has all updates and has a genuine copy of software. The customer support advice that issue is related to my personal PC, even that is not the case at all, considering the field I'm working in. This turn to be the poorest outline on a purchased software ever from me for the past 2 decades.
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2017 by shadieevanns (160 points)
reshown Nov 28, 2017 by shadieevanns

Hope this will help everyone who is having trouble with Studio One 3. I was experiencing the same issue as everybody and I found a way to fix the, "api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll" missing error. When you go to download Studio One 3

Step #1 Go to the downloads page in your account. Scroll down to "view previous versions" and select it.

Step #1

Step #2 Choose verion 3.2.2 and hit ok.

Step #2

Step #3 Select the vervion you wish to download, Windows x86, windows x64, and Mac OSX X.X.XStep #3

Make sure you know which version of Windows you have installed.

Step #4 On your computer, go to your downloads folder.

Step #4

Step #5 Right click on "PreSonus+Studio+One+3 Installer (x64).exe" and run as Administrator. Follow the prompts for installation and wait for it to finish.

Step #6 Run the software and sign-in to your account to connect your license to your account and you're good  to go.

Hope this helps anyone with this issue past, present, and future.coolsad

0 votes
answered May 15, 2020 by liamkennedy3 (140 points)

I had the same problem but solved it by going to sound properties and changing the line input to soundcard in stead of items i had installed.

worked for me