Questions & Answers

Can I migrate Studio One 3 from an old partition (including the mp3 plugin) or do I have to use a new install?

0 votes
asked Oct 19, 2016 in Studio One 3 by andersbostrom (360 points)
I installed Mac OS Sierra on a second partition on my hard drive.  Can I migrate Studio One 3 from the old partition (including the mp3 plugin) or do I have to use a new install?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 8, 2017 by ghasenbeck (355,470 points)
Best answer

To ensure that everything is installed in its correct place, it best to install the software new.

- You can save yourself a lot of time by installing 1 soundset to establish the new soundset folder and then copy the rest of your soundsets that you already had installed and place them in this new soundset folder.

- Also, any AddOns that you may have, such as the MP3 Plugin, will need to be installed fresh from within Studio One.