Questions & Answers

What is the best way to migrate to and install StudioOne 3 Pro?

0 votes
asked Jan 9, 2017 in Studio One 3 by briandowding (330 points)
I own and run Nerado Black Productions, a small studio in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

I have a PC I built using 32GB DDR3, an Intel 4790K Core i7, Windows 10 Pro 64bit, nVidia GeForce 760, Focusrite Saffire Pro 40, Push 2, Maschine Studio, Roland GR-55, Roland FP-30, a Wacom 27QHD Touch, and a long list of other VST's, DAW's and instruments/pre-amps/mics.

I've used SONAR as my primary DAW for years, admittedly initially due to the STEAM licensing model.  I've bought all of their DLC's and companion products, and their lifetime updates.  I've had nothing but customer abandonment for years whenever support was required.  I've resorted to complete PC rebuilds being left to my own devices before.  I've bought the full ABLETON suite to replace them, but wasn't happy with the workflow there.

Now on the heals of being left to my own devices yet again, I've done a complete rebuild, and all the software didn't come back when installed this time.  Yet again, SONAR Support has left me without any support.  They don't even try to pretend they care.  They just say someone will be in touch soon, then never talk to you again.  This is the pattern of every support case for the last 4 years.  8 cases - same results.

I need a DAW that is an ACTUALLY SUPPORTED PLATFORM, not one that is only supported in theory on paper.

I do have several licenses for StudioOne 3 Artist, as it turns out.  I want to land on Pro, however.

I want to find out:

1) what is my cheapest route to Pro?  (You have no idea how much I regret missing the Black Friday Sale, I had a ticket with Cakewalk opened earlier that month and stupidly thought they might get their software working.  I should have jumped ship back then.)

2) What is best practices for installing from scratch?  For instance, if it is best to wait til I have a Pro license before installing, I will.  I do not want to install Artist first if there is ANY TINY reason what-so-ever wherein waiting for Pro may have resulted in a more stable environment.

3) I would be completely willing to participate in a promotional video explaining to the public why even small studio's such as mine simply can't afford to use something like SONAR, and need something that works, and has real support, if you like the sound of that.  I'm not above delivering them a public shaming for all the customer abandonment, and real world income loss resulting from their complete and utter lack of support.  ESPECIALLY when this is no a one off, but a pattern of behavior consistent and spanning years.


Brian Dowding

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 9, 2017 by philangus (10,160 points)
I upgraded from Artist to Pro. I paid for the upgrade through the on-line account then cleared absolutely everything and did a fresh new install from the downloaded pro media.

never looked back, it's great!