Questions & Answers

should I have the full version of Guitar Rig 4 with studio one 3

0 votes
asked Oct 21, 2016 in Studio One 3 by rawknrod (150 points)
just making sure I have the latest version of Guitar Rig in Studio one 3 Pro

1 Answer

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answered Nov 20, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer

Guitar Rig came with your copy of Studio One 2 as part of a bundled package. This bundle is from Native Instruments and when you installed it, you created a user account with NI. You should double check to see if your version is up to day by logging into your NI account and using their Service Center software to make sure you are on the latest version of their software.

To be clear, Studio One 3 does not come with Guitar Rig bundled with it.