Questions & Answers

How can I use two different audio interface for Input and Output?

0 votes
asked Nov 5, 2016 in Computer Based Recording & Production by riccardosubiaco1 (150 points)

I am trying to do some home-recording using a cheap audio-board UX2 (it's actually a POD, by Line 6). My intention was to test the open-source version of the sofware and see if it was worth buying it.
Unfortunately I got an issue: I have a microphone connected to the card, which is in turn plugged into my laptop through an USB post. I want to take the INput signal from the card, but at the same time to keep the OUTput on the laptop earphone-plug.
The program does not allow me to do so, as when I select the UX2 as interface, it turns automatically both input and output on the device.
I precise that I have installed the last version of the driver for UX2 and i'm using windows 10.
Thanks for the help.


1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 7, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
selected Dec 11, 2016 by ghasenbeck
Best answer
This is not possible on Windows systems using supported drivers.