Questions & Answers

I have Studio One Artist with VST/ReWire addon: How di I get EZdrummer to be recognized within S1A?

0 votes
asked Nov 10, 2016 in Studio One 3 by michaelmilhoan (150 points)
EZDrumemr is working fine as a standalone program. I have a Studio One demo showing it listed as an instrument  How do I get Studio One Artist to recognize EZdrummer?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 21, 2017 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer
Depending on what version of EZDrummer you are using, you should reach out to ToonTrack for assistance. They do not fully support the use of EZD1 with Studio One and in order to get EZD2 to work with your setup, it takes running several additional programs from ToonTrack along with EZD in order to get their software to operate properly.