Questions & Answers

Why do I continually have to play with settings

0 votes
asked Dec 9, 2016 in Studio One 3 by DaPeaceMan (120 points)
Every time I start Studio One 3 I never know what I'm gonna get.  MIDI works, MIDI doesn't work.  Program plays back, Program doesn't play back.  Interface works, Interface doesn't work.  There is some major problems and I'm getting very upset.  I use this program for very simple things.  But when I start it up I expect it to work the same every time!  I can't have a million dollar idea fade away because the program froze or the interface doesn't hook up or MIDI is not functioning.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 13, 2016 by chuckl (390 points)
Sounds to me it could have something to do with your interface driver, the usb/firewire cord, or your usb/firewire plug port.

Hope it helps.