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Need to get my StudioLive 1642 Serviced

0 votes
asked Dec 15, 2016 in Classic Mixers by Fergusonaudio (150 points)

I have an original StudioLive 16.4.2 (non-Ai) mixer.

The unit freezes up, loses it's entire audio output at random times. Shutting power off and turning it back on fixes the issues temporarily. Setting are not affected on the scene

This is unfortunately something I learned in a very bad live situation! Brutal. Whole band goes dead except drums.

Have you heard of this before?

I am trying to update my firmware (1.50a)  (build 188). Perhaps this would help

I notice there is no usb on my board, How do update? would this fix this issue of the power reset.?

Love the product and bought it legitimately, it is not used. I have proof. I purchased a few years ago now though.

Would love to get this working properly again


Id really appreciate a response

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 12, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,550 points)
Best answer

Looking at your account, we see that you're in Canada. Contact Erikson for service. 

Erikson Audio
21,000 Trans-Canada
Baie D'Urfe, Qc Canada
Tel: (800)667-3745
Contact: Bill Kinal

For others reading this, go to this link to find the PreSonus distributor for your country for local service:

0 votes
answered Dec 15, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
The freezing problem is a known problem of the original SL series and there is NOTHING you as user can do. Updates WILL NOT HELP, because it is a technical problem. You need to send the board to the doctors in Baton Rouge. Open a ticket in your PreSonus account. The board needs to be registered to get repaired.