Questions & Answers

notion 6 velocity overdub needs major work

+1 vote
asked Dec 15, 2016 in Notion by rgarber (170 points)
Velocity implementation in Notion6 is a good idea but it's awful the way it is now. I have imported midi with velocities already set. I am inputting notes by hand and by keyboard and listening to playback is liken to wow/flutter on vinyl. And the only option I have to bring all the velocities into cohesiveness is me banging on a keyboard? No, you need to have it where velocity can be seen like the piano roll in Studio One for each note. And there should be at least the same kind of implementation where I can say to a whole track (set all velocity to a number) or Humanize velocity for the track. The way overdub is implemented now would mean searching through the whole piece scratching in notes pounded on the keyboard and hoping it all matches up afterwards. That's crazy! I'm not begging for perfection but something better than adlibing velocity I can't see or know what the actual values are. Not all of us are piano players and guessing how hard to hit a key or not how hard to hit a key isn't intuitive. If there is a way to change the value in Notion 6 already, I'd like to know, this feature is driving me nuts.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jan 10, 2017 by TechSupport77 (195,990 points)
Best answer
You will want to press the "tab" key on your computer keyboard to open the sequencer overlay function.  Here you can view and edit the velocities as well as the note durations.  Please look at page 3.15 of the User Guide for information about working with the sequencer overlay.  On 3.15 of the User Guide, there is also a description of the "Randomize Events" function that will allow you to humanize your score.