Questions & Answers

Help! How can I create in Notion H Major?!?

0 votes
asked Jul 17, 2021 in Notion by dirkpoppner (130 points)

Is there any possibility to create a H Major file?!? The Technical Support writes: Notion does not have an "H" key for German notation.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 19, 2021 by leondevose (280 points)
What is "H major"?  A half step up from G is G#/Ab.   A full step is A.

Perhaps you are referring to a different mode from major or minor?  There are several modes, and PreSous/Notion does support them.
0 votes
answered Aug 20, 2021 by harrymingels (1,000 points)
Hoi Dirk,

zou u misschien precies willen aangeven wat u bedoeld?

In Duitse muziek wordt een (B zoals in b.v. in Nederland) als H genoteerd. (ook wordt in het Duits de B geschreven als ze Bes bedoelen).

Groetjes, HarryM