Questions & Answers

How do I get studio one to control the transport features in my Roland MC-50 Micro Composer with Studio One?

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asked Jun 3, 2015 in Studio One 2 by AlexTinsley (925,590 points)

Recently asked by a customer:

I use it primarily for my external modules and record the tracks into Cubase by hitting play on the Cubase transport, or the cc121. I would love to be able to do this with Studio One and my fader port.

Its probably something simple, but not being a computer kind of guy I can't figure it out, tried options and external devices but can't find a combination to make it work, like my M audio keystone 88 and my fader port., in Cubase its part of the transport panel under sync control click the button that says MIDI MIDI UM-550 2, I can hit a button, so easily. 

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 3, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,590 points)
Best answer
Here's the answer that worked for him:

In Studio One, you have 3 options when setting up External Gear,

1) New Keyboard (Controller)
2) New Instrument (MIDI Device)
3) New Control Surface

The MC-50 even though it is a sequencer unto itself, it still has a GM Module in it (even if you don't use it), so it classifies as a "New Instrument".

To get there the fastest way it to hold down the Control button (lower left corner of computer keyboard) with your left hand and with your right hand tap the comma ( , ) button.
This will open up your System Preferences.
Once there select External Devices
At the bottom of the External Devices window, click "Add"

In the New Instrument window in the lower half:

Select the MIDI Port on your UM-550 that is coming from the MC-50
Select the MIDI Port on your UM-550 that is going back to the MC-50

Be sure to select which MIDI Channels you want the MC-50 to operate on, if you're not sure click "All"

Below the MIDI Channel selection you will see 3 options,
check at least the first 2, check the last one if you are using MTC on your MC-50.

- Send MIDI Clock
- Use MIDI Clock Start

- Send MIDI Time Code

Then hit OK to commit the change.
Click the "....Reconnect" button to have Studio One rescan your new addition.

Then the transport for your MC-50 will be able to control Studio One.