Questions & Answers

My keyboard sounds muddy/fuzzy -playing/recording - what's wrong?

0 votes
asked Dec 22, 2016 in Capture for AudioBox i-Series by psseattle (150 points)
The sound quality isn't right - both when playing through the PreSonus gear and when recorded, plus there's occasional static, again when playing through the system and in the recoding - is it possible I need to replace the AudioBoxiTwo?

HP ENVY 750se Desktop PC, 16GB DDR4-2133 DIMM (2x8GB) RAM, 2TB 7200 RPM SATA 6G Hard Drive, 1TB 7200 RPM SATA 6G 3.5 2nd HDD, 6th Generation Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700 quad-core processor [3.4GHz, 8MB Shared Cache], 4GB Nvidia GeForce GTX 745 [DVI, HDMI, DP, DVI to VGA adapter]

Windows 10 Home 64-bit OS

Studio One 3 Professional, Studio One Win x64
AudioBox iTwo v1.32
Eris E8 Monitors

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 13, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer

Please try increasing your ASIO buffer size for your AudioBox iTwo in Universal Control, prior to opening Studio One. See if a higher ASIO buffer size/Device Block Size puts less strain on your CPU.

Should that not resolve the issue, here are some additional troubleshooting suggestions: 

  1. Is the AudioBox iTwo directly connected to the computer or through a USB Hub? If it is on a hub, please try connecting directly to the computer via a rear USB port.
  2. Also, please try installing the AudioBox iTwo on a different USB port.
  3. If possible, temporarily install Universal Control and the AudioBox iTwo on a different computer to see if the issue reoccurs there. 

If the above does not help, please submit a support ticket including the following information: 

You can help me get a better view of your hardware configuration by sending back the following requested files:

You will need to have your AudioBox iTwo attached to the computer by USB and powered on when you do this.

1. Please send me your computer's System Info file.

To access your PC’s System Information on Windows 8 and Windows 10: 
1. Go to the Desktop. 
2. Press [WinLogoKey] + R to bring up 'Run'. 
3. Type 'msinfo32' without quotes. 
4. Press the [Enter] key. 
5. IMPORTANT: Click File then "Save...," save this file as a .nfo file format and rename the file your name and attach it to this email.

