Questions & Answers

I can't seem to find my plug-in FerricTds on the plug-in list in Studio One

0 votes
asked Dec 27, 2016 in Studio One 3 by ianperania (150 points)
I can't seem to find my plug-in FerricTds on the plug-in list in Studio One, i set up everything right because my other 3rd party plug-ins are showing up fine. I already set studio one to look into the correct vst folder in my PC. I have another DAW and it can load FerricTDS properly as well as my other 3rd party plug-ins. I currently have Studio One Artist, with 3rd party plug-in upgrade

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Dec 28, 2016 by Michael Martin (89,010 points)
Make sure that you are running 32 bit (x86) version of Studio One. FerricTDS is a 32 bit plugin and will not load (like other plugins) in the x64 bit version of Studio One.

You can always remove the plugin, reset your Plugin Blacklist, then re-install the plugin.

Keep in mind, freeware Plugins often do not get updated over time, so there is always a chance that the plugin will stop loading. At which point you will have to contact the developer.