Questions & Answers

Would like to suggest modifications on Notion 6 Organ Stop sets.

+2 votes
asked Dec 29, 2016 in Notion Feature Requests by peterfahn (170 points)

Dear All!

I am using the Notion 6.0.409 

on a MacBook Air 2014, with Intel Core I5 1,4 GHz, 128GB SSD, 4GB RAM,

MacOS Sierra 10.12.2. 

I have no extra sound electronics.

As I upgraded from notion 5, I celebrated the new possibility: the sound samples of Organ.

To make this samples more effective I suggest some development:

It would be the best, if the stops would be registrable one by one.

If this is not possible, I suggest the rearrange of possible stop-sets in next way:

  1. Bourdon 8’ (or Gedackt)
  2. Bourdon 8’ + Flute 4’
  3. Prinzipal 8' + Prinzipal 4’ + Bourdon 8’ + Flute 4’
  4. All of Prinzipals + Flute 8’ + Flute 4’ + Flute 2’ + Mixtures
  5. All of Prinzipals + Flute 8’ + Flute 4’ + Flute 2’ + Mixtures + Reed registers
  6. Bourdon 8’ Gambe 8’ Vox coelestis 8’ 

For pedal stop sets I suggest the next combinations (if registration one-by-one is not possible):

  1. Subbass 16’
  2. Subbass 16’ + Flute 8’
  3. Subbass 16’ + Prinzipal 8’ + Flute 8’
  4. Subbass 16’ + Prinzipal 8 + Prinzipal 4’ + Flute 8’ + Flute 4’
  5. Subbass 16’ Prinzipal 16–4’ Flute 8–4’ + Mixtures + Reed registers
  6. Subbass 16’ Flute 8’  

If just this 6 prearranged stops are available, I think, the Chimes register is not needed!

Best regards:

     Péter Fahn

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Dec 29, 2016 by Skip Jones (166,970 points)
selected Apr 21, 2017 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 

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The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 
