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Feature Request for Notion 6: PLEASE GIVE US the better way to notate the sustain pedal

+20 votes
asked May 18, 2020 in Notion Feature Requests by adenneuwirth (490 points)
Recently I've been making a piece of music which a ton of sustain pedal markings, but with the notation system of "Ped." and "*" it's not hard for the oage to become crazy cluttered very easily. This is why we should just have the bracket format at the bottom of the staves, so it's easier to read, and doesn't clutter the page as much.

3 Answers

+2 votes
answered May 24, 2020 by vatsalagrawal (190 points)

I totally agree with adenneuwirth.

We need the bracket system for pedal marking asap.

+2 votes
answered Aug 24, 2020 by ericbrink (230 points)
edited Aug 24, 2020 by ericbrink
I also agree, and it's one of the main reasons I don't use Notion 6 for Piano.  Finale, Sibelius, and even MuseScore (which is free) all have bracketing notation for the sustain pedal.

The "Ped." and "*" method has been obsolete for many years now for the reasons mentioned above.
0 votes
answered Nov 23, 2023 by JordanRussell5065 (150 points)
Agreeing to this thread 3 years later. Just got Notion 6 this morning and one of the first things I immediately noticed was the sustain pedal notation being the way it is. This “Ped” and “*” notating is rarely used anymore and can cause a score to look completely cluttered. Bracketed/line notation is much cleaner, simpler, and easy to read. Hoping this is a change that can be made soon.