Questions & Answers

How do I Uninstall & Reinstall my device drivers for the StudioLive-AI on a Mac?

0 votes
asked Aug 18, 2015 in Ai Mixers by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
How do I Uninstall & Reinstall my device drivers for the StudioLive-AI on a Mac?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 18, 2015 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
Best answer

Why would I need to Uninstall & Reinstall my StudioLive-AI drivers?

  • My Universal Control-AI crashes when I launch it
  • My VSL-AI window is not opening properly or not opening at all
  • My Universal Control-AI launch window does not show driver information



Sometimes drivers do not install properly and can cause numerous issues with the functionality of your device. This is usually caused by certain files not being overwritten properly, or older files from previous installs causing conflicts.  In most situations, you can just run the Univeral Control-AI installer and let it overwrite the previous version. Sometimes though, it is necessary to manually remove all traces of any Firestudio, Universal Control or Universal Control-AI related files that you may have on your computer before doing a fresh install of Universal Control-AI.

*NOTE: Because Universal Control-AI shares some files with the original Universal Control and Firestudio family, it is not possible to uninstall Universal Control-AI without also uninstalling the original Universal Control and Firestudio related drivers and software. All files will need to be removed, then you can re-install Universal Control and Universal Control-AI as needed.


Uninstalling Universal Control AI using the Uninstaller application

We now have an uninstaller for OSX (10.7 and later ONLY) which will remove all Firestudio, Universal Control, and Universal Control AI related files (just as a manual uninstall would).

You can download the uninstaller here

NOTE: On OSX 10.8 and later, you may need to temporarily disable Gatekeeper to allow the uninstaller to open and run. See here for info:

It comes packaged as a .zip file. Simply download it to your desktop, double click on the .zip file to unzip it, and then double click on Uninstall Universal Control AI to run the app. Follow the directions, and when it has finished, click Quit to exit and then reboot your computer. Once you have uninstalled and rebooted, you may re-install Universal Cotnrol AI, either the latest version available or the specific version you've been instructed to install by Tech Support or a related Knowledgebase article.



 If you do need to do the manual uninstall by hand, the instructions are as follows:

Manually removing Firestudio, StudioLive, and StudioLive-AI Drivers and Software

1. Disconnect your FireStudio Family interface and make sure neither Universal Control or Universal Control-AI are running in the dock. Quit them if necessary.

2. Double click on MacHD to launch a new finder window. The following list includes every possible Firestudio related file that may have been installed on your Mac, depending on which driver versions you have installed previously. If you do not see some of these files, it's not a problem. The files are listed by location tree.

For example, to locate the MacHD/Library/Preferences/PaeFireStudio.startup file, you will double click on MacHD and Open the Library folder. In the Library folder, you will open the Preferences folder where you will find the PaeFireStudio.startup file. This is the file you will move to the Trash.

3. Delete the following from your computer (note: some files will require that you type in your administrative password):

  • MacHD/Applications/Universal Control AI
  • MacHD/Applications/Universal Control
  • MacHD/Applications/FireStudio Control Console
  • MacHD/Applications/FireControl
  • MacHD/Applications/FireStudio Lightpipe Mixer
  • MacHD/Applications/StudioLive


  • MacHD/Library/Application Support/PaeFireStudio
  • MacHD/Library/Application Support/PreSonus/Devices
  • MacHD/Library/Audio/MIDIDrivers/PAEFireStudioMIDIdriver.plugin
  • MacHD/Library/LaunchDaemons/tc.tctechnologies.PaeFireStudio.plist
  • MacHD/Library/Preferences/PaeFireStudio.startup
  • MacHD/Library/Preferences/PreSonus/Universal Control
  • MacHD/Library/Preferences/PreSonus/Universal Control (x64)
  • MacHD/Library/Receipts/PreSonusUniversalControl.pkg
  • MacHD/Library/Startup Items/PaeFireStudio
  • MacHD/Library/StartupItems/PaeFireStudio


  • MacHD/System/Library/Extensions/PaeFireStudio.kext


In OSX version 10.7 Lion and later, the User Library folder is hidden. To get to it, with Finder open click the GO menu at the top, or control-click on Finder in the Dock, then select "Go To Folder" and enter: ~/Library

This is necessary for deleting the following files. Again, if you do not see some of these files, it's ok:

  • MacHD/Users/YOUR USERNAME/Library/Application Support/Presonus/Universal Control AI
  • MacHD/Users/YOUR USERNAME /Library/Caches/Juce/jucAppLock_Universal Control
  • MacHD/Users/YOUR USERNAME/Library/Caches/Juce/Universal Control
  • MacHD/Users/YOUR USERNAME/Library/Caches/com.presonus.ucapp
  • MacHD/Users/YOUR USERNAME/Library/Preferences/FireControlSettings.settings
  • MacHD/Users/YOUR USERNAME/Library/Preferences/PreSonus/Universal Control
  • MacHD/Users/YOUR USERNAME/Library/Preferences/PreSonus/Universal Control (x64)
  • MacHD/Users/YOUR USERNAME/Library/Preferences/PreSonus/FireStudio
  • MacHD/Users/YOUR USERNAME/Library/PreSonus/Firestudio


Removing .bom and .plist files

  1. With Finder open click the GO menu at the top, or control-click on Finder in the Dock
  2. Select "Go To Folder"
  3. Paste or type in this file path and press enter:       /private/var/db/receipts
  4. In the folder that opens, find the files that have Universal Control in the label and move them to the Trash.

The potential files you are looking for are:

  • com.PreSonus.pkg.Universal Control (.bom and .plist)
  • presonus.pkg.Universal.Control.AI.audio_driver (.bom and .plist)
  • presonus.pkg.Universal.Control.AI.controlpanel (.bom and .plist)
  • presonus.pkg.Universal.Control.AI.midi_driver (.bom and .plist)

And again, if you do not see some of these files, it's not a problem. What files show up will depend on which versions of Universal Control you may have installed previously.

Repairing Disk Permissions

  1. Go to MacHD/Applications/Utilities/ and open “Disk Utility”
  2. Select your System drive (Mac HD) from list on the left
  3. Click “Repair Disk Permissions”
  4. Once your Disk Permissions have been repaired, Shut down (not restart) your Mac


Resetting your NVRAM

  1. Locate the following keys on the keyboard: Command, Option, P, and R. You will need to hold these keys down simultaneously
  2. Turn on the computer
  3. Press and hold the Command-Option-P-R keys. You must press this key combination before the gray screen appears.
  4. Hold the keys down until the computer restarts and you hear the startup sound for the second time.
  5. Release the keys. At this point, your computer should be completely zeroed out and you can reinstall.


Downloading and Installing the latest** driver

  1. Go to and log in to your Presonus User Account.
  2. Once you're logged in to your account, in your My Hardware section, find the listing for your StudioLive AI mixer and click on it.
  3. The latest driver and software downloads for your mixer are available for download here. Click on the Universal Control AI with drivers and VSL AI  for your Operating System to download it.
    **NOTE: The exception to installing the latest driver for your device would be if Tech Support or another Knowledgebase article has instructed you to install a specific version other than the very latest.
  4. Once downloaded, run the installer, and reboot once it completes.

