Questions & Answers

I want to add more Inputs to my Firestudio Project, should I daisy chain two or add a digimax fs?

0 votes
asked Jan 5, 2017 in FireStudio Series by zachjamison (1,050 points)
Which one would you guys recommend? I need to be able to record full bands at once, and from what I understand,daisy chaining two FSP's removes the ability to monitor with zero latency. Is this the case when connecting a DigiMax fs to the fsp also?

1 Answer

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answered Jan 8, 2017 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer
I have been running 2 FSProjects for several years not. All the Mix Pres Match, and this was before zero latency existed in Studio One. The Digimax FS has no way of connecting to the FSProject digitally for wordclock syncing. The Digimax FS has ADAT and BNC to allow it to expand hardware that allows it to connect to them with the ADAT and or BNC. So, daisy chaining 2 or even 3 FSProjects together is going to be your best bet.