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Need help - two daisy chained Firestudio Projects

+1 vote
asked Nov 7, 2017 in FireStudio Series by jPresonus (200 points)
Hi. This may not be the right place to ask, but I'm getting dizzy searching high and low. I'm stopping here for a moment. Thank you for any help.

I have two Firestudio Projects. Each one works great with Universal Control when connected to the computer individually.

But, when I daisy chain the two together, Universal Control becomes so slow and sluggish that it's basically unusable.

I have googled so much and have not come across anything where someone had a similar experience.

Dell Optiplex 780 SFF. 8GB ram. 3.0 Core 2 processor. Siig NN-E20012-S2 firewire card. Windows 7 64bit

Thank you for any help.
related to an answer for: Presonus fire studio project

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 7, 2017 by jPresonus (200 points)
selected Nov 7, 2017 by jPresonus
Best answer
Following up on this in case it helps anyone else.

I was able to resolve my issue by switching to the "(Legacy)" driver for the firewire card.  This is documented somewhere on the Presonus site and I came across it tonight.  I believe it pertains to Windows 7.

I unplugged my firewire cable (which was connected to my two daisy chained solid blue light Firestudio Projects) from the PCIe card of the computer. Then made the manual driver swtich in device manager.  Then plugged the firewire cable back in. Then clicked on the Universal Control and everything is lightning fast. Both Firestudio Projects working efficiently with Universal Control.

Also, I opened Studio One Artist and tested with success. Before, I was also experiencing the sluggish response when configuring the FSPs from within Studio One. The updated driver has apparently fixed that sluggishness as well.

I installed/uninstalled so many versions of the UC. I am currently using the Universal Control v1.5.3.1 Driver v3.5.6 - PC. I'm not going to switch to the latest 1.7..... at least not now.