Questions & Answers

When using a RM16 and a SL 16.4.2AI over AVB, can I use the main outs on my SL AI?

0 votes
asked Jan 7, 2017 in Ai Mixers by stevenrichter (120 points)
I would like to use the RM mixer as a digital snake controlled by our SL AI in our FOH control room. Though with our initial set-up I was only able to get the main out from the RM mixer. I need to have my outs on the SL AI mixer because the rest of our audio processing is in that control room.

1 Answer

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answered Jan 7, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
No functionality is taken away from the SL 1642AI when one of the stagebox modes is used (simple stagebox or I/O monitor mode). All outs are working on both mixers, also the aux outs. Just the mono out of the RM is not used, as the SL can not feed it. You will need an AVB option card for your SL (the RM comes with it) and an AVB switch (there is nothing else available than the MOTU AVB switch). The AVB switch also makes remote control possible, so the musicians can control their mixes themselves.