Questions & Answers

How do I get Midi Learn to recognise korg padKontrol in Studio one 3 artist

0 votes
asked Jan 7, 2017 in Studio One 3 by kurtisweir (150 points)
I have my padKontrol connected to my macbook air through usb.  Pads work fine with all studio one instruments but when I go into settings->control and try to use the midi learn function for assigning knobs 1 and 2 nothing shows up when I turn them.  When I hit pads the keyboard is playing notes but nothing shows up on the screen either.  My understanding is that virtual pictures of knobs and pads should show up so I can assign and edit the midi notes that they represent.

When I added the padKontrol there was no default midi setup for it under KORG so I set it up as an instrument

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 11, 2017 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer
You may need to ADD your Korg as a New Control Surface under External Devices.