Questions & Answers

Studio One and midi learn functions not possible

0 votes
asked Nov 11, 2017 in Studio One 3 by torbeniversen (150 points)

Just wonder if Studio One has some issues, "talking" with Roland gear, got a great offer on a Roland A-500 Pro midi controller, this controller is not in the list in Studio One, i try to do midi learn, for transport buttons, and sliders, etc, but nothing happends, tried all tricks also from videos on Youtube, but without luck, anybody had same problems with midi learn features?


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 13, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer

You have to manually create a New Keyboard with the MIDI Receive From set to the port the Roland is connected to. This will give you piano keys for use with virtual instruments.

Then create a New Control surface with the MIDI Receive From set to the port the Roland is connected to, this will alow you to create control/fader/knob mappings.

If the issue remains, please create a ticket to technical support.

Here is a link to create a ticket: