Questions & Answers

House/techno template doesn't have the VEH samples .. using Studio One 3 demo pack

0 votes
asked Jan 20, 2017 in Studio One 3 by gregtallent (150 points)
.. downloaded Studio One demo yesterday. Thanks.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 21, 2017 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer


As you have stated, you are using the DEMO version of Studio One 3. Being that this is the DEMO Version, there are some limitations to the software; which does include the limited amount of content that is available for the DEMO Version.

Here is the article on what comes with the DEMO Version:


Q: I want to try out Studio One 3, yet some features don't work. Can you tell me exactly what is not functioning in the Demo?

A: The Demo version is Studio One 3 Professional, with the following features removed:

    • Mp3 support
    • Audio extraction from video
    • CD burn service
    • PresenceXT core library
    • New loop library
    • ReWire 

    The Demo version of Studio One 3 Professional includes the following 5 sets:

    • Studio One Instruments Vol 1
    • Studio One Instruments Vol 2
    • Uberschall Impact Drums
    • Studio One Music Loops
    • Prime Selection Loops and Sounds

So essentially it is Studio One 3 Professional with Artist content.

Studio One 3 Professional has more sound sets as part of the full package, the Studio One Demo does not come with all the sound sets. To learn more about the sound sets that come with Studio One 3 Artist and/or Studio One 3 Professional see our comparison chart here. 

Known Issues with the Demo: One of the demo songs that is included in the demo requires the Vengeance sound set that is not available in the Demo which results with one of the demo songs not opening properly. We apologize for the inconvenience. 

However as it is a demo, you can use it to create and use the program which we invite you to do.

As an alternative to the demo, anyone who does not own Studio One or has had the demo expire, can get a free copy of Studio One Prime available in their account at no charge. 

Find out more about Studio One Prime here

  • Melodyne is not available in Studio One Prime or Studio One Demo.