Questions & Answers

will series 3 stage box be like the mixer but with the touch screen ? so like the RML but with the screen?

0 votes
asked Mar 3, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by johnnyrockit (120 points)
will the stage box be out late in 2017

1 Answer

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answered Mar 3, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,350 points)

It is said that there will be 5 "stageboxes in configurations 8x8 to 32x16", so at least one might like look like a RM/RML mixer. And it was also said that "the first will be shipping around May/June with more coming through the end of the year" (quotes from Ray Tantzen, product manager). As stageboxes they are serving the mixers, they cannot be used as mixers themselves like the RM/RML, so they don't need more functionality than delivering connectivity. Any processing happens in the new series III mixers and in the new personal mixers, which will complete this new "ecosystem".

If you want to read more about the new "family" of mixers, have a look at the forum:

commented Mar 23, 2017 by stingray1122 (7,740 points)
Note that the first will now be shipping around September.