Questions & Answers

Can the PreSonus Central Station support 5.1?

+3 votes
asked Mar 20, 2017 in PreAmps, Signal Processors and Monitoring Hardware by mattforry (180 points)
Can A B and C all be selected at the same time to control 6 speakers?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 26, 2017 by eranbarkani (500 points)
selected May 19, 2017 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
The answer is unfortunately not.

You can control all 6 speakers together, but they'd still be 3 stereo pairs playing the same thing -

There's just 1 stereo mix going through the Main path - and another stereo mix for the Cue path.

You can choose which sources are in it, you can choose the speaker set to route it to,

But you can't separate the 6 input channels from each other and send them exclusively to 6 output paths,

Like you would on a large mixer.

The legacy FireStudio could do it with MSRemote, but they're not supported on latest OS's.

I use a Monitor Station for the stereo work (Post only) and another 6 channel monitor controller for 5.1 when needed.

Seems to me Presonus are more music oriented, and have surround mixing lower in their priority,

I'd love to find out I'm wrong though…

Good luck !