Questions & Answers

New Fat Channel Integration For S1 & S192 Users Please

+33 votes
asked Mar 22, 2017 in Recording Interface Series Feature Requests by grantbarbour (440 points)
After seeing the wonderful footage, Presonus literature and press reviews of the new Fat Channels available with the Studio Live 32; I'd like to request that these new Fat Channels are extended to the Studio 192 as per the current Fat Channel processing available to users of the Studio 192 and Studio One platform.

This would facilitate a greatly increased number of options during tracking and would build upon the foundations set by the current Fat Channel integration between Studio One and the Studio 192 interface. Studio 192 and Studio One users would effectively have a set of Channel Strips to use when tracking, which can be printed or not to the DAW, at their fingertips... please make this happen if you can Presonus!

For anyone not aware of the "new" Fat Channel , here is an excerpt from the Studio Live 32 page on the Presonus site

"But this next-generation Fat Channel also offers a plug-in-style workflow that's instantly familiar to any DAW user, with alternative vintage compressor and EQ models available on all channels. The compressors emulate the sound of classic models that would set you back a few grand on eBay. Even cooler, though, the state-space-modeled EQs model the individual components of the original hardware so they sound and behave just like vintage EQs of yesteryear, overflowing with germanium diode mojo."

1 Answer

+15 votes
answered Mar 22, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
selected Apr 12, 2017 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

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