Questions & Answers

Specific bpm and lenght for create a new song, why?

0 votes
asked Mar 26, 2017 in Studio One 3 by ajlozano (1,020 points)
Really I have to put an specific bpm and lenght for create a new song? I found this pretty annoying because when im starting to create I dont care about the bpms and lenght, so why bother with it before make and record anything ?
Also, when importing individuals tracks to mix in Studio One, Studio Once changes to the bpm of the mixing project...hey, really there is no need to do that.
Any way to avoid this?
Thanks !

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Mar 26, 2017 by gadget69 (31,130 points)
selected Mar 27, 2017 by connorguiberteau
Best answer
You do NOT have to specify a specific BPM for a song.. you have to do that only if you want to use the metronome...
0 votes
answered Apr 3, 2017 by ajlozano (1,020 points)

Thanks, but when I open a new song to record, I choose the "empty song" canvas, then its asks for 2 things:
- lenght
- bpm
I've tried to delete values and keep it blank but then Studio ONe puts defaults bpms and lenghts;
if you open a techno style its gives you 4:52 and 123 bpm...and so in other styles, ie : "piano ballad", 4:52 and 100 bpm.
I just want an empty blank canvas with no preassigned lenghts or bpm or anything.....
its that simple, basic thing possible for a DAW like Studio One?
