Questions & Answers

How to re order the DCA groups of the CS18AI

0 votes
asked Apr 7, 2017 in StudioLive CS18Ai by MainelySound (1,090 points)
How to re order the DCA groups of the CS18AI so they are not in the order they are put in but any order (can be used on specific channel assignments?). if i decide to add a group mid show, and it ends up at the the end- it throws off all sequence and can accidentally start changing wrong things on the fly, eat) and can save the groups for different instances and reuse them even though the setup is different (not have to recreate the groups)

8 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 7, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
selected Apr 12, 2017 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

There is no way to re-order DCA groups on the CS itself, only in UC Surface. But the handling is a little tricky, so better THINK BEFORE which DCA groups you need and which order they should have. I would not see any problem in creating a DCA group during a show, but it's better to know before the show, what is needed and develop a strategy how to handle everything. Another approach is to use the Auto Groups, which can be helpful to organise a mix. I personally don't like automatisms like this at all, but that's a matter of taste and/or workflow. DCA groups can not be stored as general presets. They are always "special" for a show, but they are stored with the scene.

0 votes
answered Apr 7, 2017 by MainelySound (1,090 points)
I re use the scenes for different groups and are not always told proper info before hand of who/what is coming. i saw the uc DCA area and arrows but no ability to move them? how is it done
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answered Apr 7, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
StudioLiveAISoftware_ReferenceManual-EN-V5_09032016, chapter 4.4 "Managing Filter DCAs":

You can reorder the Filter DCA list by clicking or tapping on the Reorder button to the left of it and then clicking or tapping the Reorder button next to the position to which you would like it to move.
0 votes
answered Apr 7, 2017 by MainelySound (1,090 points)
it was not working before, but i did get it working since i last posted, but thank you. seems to be touchy, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. and still won't save or backup and i can watch it do it in the folder on the mac then poof it disappears and it is not there. sometimes when i recall a saved scene it works, sometimes it is a previous version of the saved scene, then i try again and it works?
0 votes
answered Apr 7, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
The method of reordering DCA groups has potential for improvement, I would say... ;-) It works somehow, but to be honest: It is not far away from being unusable. I can imagine a workaround by adding standard DCA groups to a "zero out" scene, which you recall any time you start working on a new job. My "zero out" scene has several different settings than the factory "zero out" scene, which make my soundchecks faster. It should be possible to add basic DCA groups to the "zero out" scene like drums, keys, guitars, bass and vocals and leave the groups empty. The CS18AI makes it very easy to "fill" the DCA groups. Just press the "Groups" button, select a DCA group for editing and chose the channels you want to have in that particular group.

I'll check this tomorrow. It's getting late in Europe... ;-)
0 votes
answered Apr 7, 2017 by MainelySound (1,090 points)
I have a few starting points for the different locations (holdovers from the 16.4.2 which i use if i just want to use the mixer-comes in handy for some locations- simple setup) and have been trying to do similar to what you were saying. I'm sure it will start being more natural in a while, like the fire studio, 16.4.2, 16.4.2ai, etc have over the many years. still the saving to the computer worries me, but that is for a different post. thanks
0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2017 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)

So, just checked it. As I thought it is possible to save empty DCA groups with a scene and fill the groups "on the fly". I have added this feature now to my "zero out" scene (stored on mixer, computer and iPad), so that I don't need to create DCA groups again and again. I am using these DCA groups:

FX A Return
FX C Return

0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2017 by MainelySound (1,090 points)

I thought it was possible to save DCA groups with a scene and fill the channels in the mixer and have. I have added had "RML" scene (stored on mixer, CS16Ai and iPad), and filled in the channels so that I don't need to create DCA groups again and again. I am using these DCA groups:

Digital R 
It was in a different order and will not store to the computer. Know I can change what is in them "on the fly" at first the position would not change so if i wanted a new group it would be at the end and not move, now it works.
