Questions & Answers

How to upload from Studio One Prime to Soundcloud

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asked Apr 29, 2017 in Studio One 3 by thomasbutler1 (120 points)
Okay, Im using the free recording software, studio one prime, and I've finished my song. Ive been trying to upload it to soundcloud for a day now and its been stuck in Processing for hours, Ive been reading that I need to do a mixdown to MP3 BUT Im totally lost as to how to do that. Im wondering if my free software may not have the mixdown features since it is the free version.If anyone can help me out all I want is to get my song up one soundcloud. Thamks!

1 Answer

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answered Apr 30, 2017 by collinbazzell (1,610 points)
I don't think the free version supports DIRECT upload to Soundcloud, but there is an easy way to do it:

Open the song in Studio one. In the top left corner of the window, there should be a label that says "songs" next to "file" and "edit". Click on that, then from the dropdown click "export mixdown". A tab will open allowing you to decide what folder to put the song in, the song's resolution, file type, ect. HOWEVER, S1 Prime does not support exporting as MP3, which I believe is what Soundcloud needs. All you need to do is export it as some other file type (.wav works great), and then use other software to convert it to MP3. I really like Audacity for doing this, but Audacity is not just for file converting and has other menus and dropdowns to navigate, so you might have ideas for other ways you prefer to convert files with.

Hope that helps.