Questions & Answers

Fat channel xt switching between eq & compressor models, losing settings!

+18 votes
asked May 28, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by djkidstretchwarriorzrecords (1,440 points)
I love the new fat channel xt of Studio One 3,5, sounds very good too! One issue is that when you change the eq models, or the comp models and then switch back to the previous model for a comparison, it does not keep the previous setting. Can you please consider fixing this? Thank you.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered May 30, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,530 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

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0 votes
answered Dec 21, 2017 by coryhawthorne (900 points)
Yes, please! This is very frustrating when you want to see which EQ you like best for example.
0 votes
answered Nov 25, 2018 by joshuajohnston (380 points)

Another related issue with this problem (or it may be the same problem), is that when the compressor selection gets changed and the original settings get wiped, the Undo feature will also be unable to undo the erasure.

To reduplicate this issue:

  • Apply Fat Channel XT insert
  • With the Standard compressor, dial in some settings
  • Change the compressor type to Tube or FET
  • Go back to the original Standard compressor (or Undo)
  • Standard compressor settings will be reset/erased and can't be restored via Undo