Questions & Answers

Is Presonus going to address the Faderport not working with Windows 10 64 bit OS?

+2 votes
asked Jun 6, 2017 in FaderPort Classic by raymondzajacjr (400 points)
I have the Faderport and was using it with Windows XP and SONAR 6.  Upgraded recently to a new computer with Windows to 64 bit and SONAR PLATINUM.  Faderport will not install and will not work.  How disappointing as I really enjoyed this product and now wonder how long until Presonus is going to fix this issue?  Is there any solution to get this working in Windows 10 64 bit OS?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 6, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer
Recent changes to the Windows 10 operating system starting with 1607 in December and 1703 in May '17 has presented new challenges to accepting our custom DLL for Sonar support. We are aware of the issue and are looking into a solution.

In the meantime you can still setup the FaderPort as a HUI device in Sonar which does not require and customization from PreSonus. Remember the FaderPort is a Class-Compliant MIDI Device with a motorized Fader. Contact the folks at Cakewalk who have our FaderPort in their support group and can assist you with setting it up as a HUI device.
–1 vote
answered Jun 15, 2017 by jeighneither (280 points)
What does Sonar have to do with it not working in windows 10?  It doesn't work with Studio One 3, who cares about Sonar, at least keep it working with your own software?  It's infuriating, one day it worked, and now it doesn't, and it's not the first time.  If it were some other manufacturer I'd understand, but this is your own stuff presonus.  The bigger you're getting, the further downhill the products are going... I personally feel ripped off with my faderport purchase.  And class compliant is the worst; we can't just find a driver to make it work, now we are at the mercy of you guys getting your act together.  Not cool presonus, not cool...