Questions & Answers

Has anyone lost applicable DAW use of the CS18ai with Studio One DAW since the S1 3.5 update?

0 votes
asked Jun 7, 2017 in StudioLive CS18Ai by Curtsong (900 points)

Here's my support ticket for further description: 

Support TicketYesterday at 14:12

I updated my Studio One to 3.5. (Absolutely Love it) 
After a week, my CS18ai stopped working with Studio One 3.5. I checked for firmware updates and found updates available for both my CS18ai and RML16. I proceeded to update both pieces of hardware successfully. I was able to register both to my network. My CS18ai is also connected via cable to the network and my computer through the MOTU AVB Switch the UCNET page i'm able to see that the Mixer Control is connected to the RML 16 (and functions properly), and the Software Control is connected to Studio One. Wired IP and Wireless IPs are connected properly too.

However, The DAW functions are operating properly. None of the details of the loaded Songs show up on the CS18 and none of the faders function for the DAW. The DAW button selected while S1 is open, does light up, yet, not functioning.

It's strange.  The Transport buttons light up but, no function.  The Fader Selector buttons light up, no function.  As well as the Mix buttons.  Option, Ctrl, Shift, Markers All Meters Buttons.  The Description windows are blank.  Studio One doesn't respond to the Faders.  Yet all the connections are set correctly.  

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 22, 2017 by Curtsong (900 points)
selected Jan 3, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Through the help of PreSonus Support in a phone call session, we narrowed down that my anti-virus software AVG has been blocking access through their Firewall. Adding Studio One, Universal Control and the PreSonusHardwareAccessService to the exceptions still didn't resolve it. I may be finding a replacement for AVG if they don't help out soon. Meanwhile, I'm disconnecting my internet router and disabling AVG while producing with Studio One. Hope this helps anyone if they have the same issue.
