Questions & Answers

Does audiobox usb can drive 250 OHM beyer 770 pro 250?

0 votes
asked Jun 9, 2017 in AudioBox USB by keremogan (150 points)
Does audiobox usb can drive 250 OHM  Beyerdynamic 770 pro 250? or  beyer 770 pro 80? or i should go somethink like audio technica m50x (38 ohm)   I dont want to listen low level.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 23, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,350 points)
Best answer
The AudioBox USB can drive either of those, however the increased impedance will mean a quieter listening experience regardless of what interface or headphone jack you plug it into. If you require your monitor volume to be louder, then yes the lower impedance headphones will be your better choice.